golden eagle flying

Who Should Attend?

Who should attend?

Whether you work in the field, in a hospital, in an office or a lab, if your efforts are focused on improving wildlife health, conservation and management, or if wildlife diseases impact your profession, you should be at this conference!

Attendees at WDA include, but are not limited to: 

  • Veterinarians in: Academia, State and Federal Government Wildlife Agencies, Zoological Institutions, Nonprofit Wildlife Organizations, Diagnostic Laboratories, Primate Medicine, Marine and Fish Health, Public Health, Wildlife Rehabilitation, and Clinical Practices that perform wildlife medicine.
  • Wildlife Professionals: University Faculty, USDA-APHIS Wildlife Services, USFWS, USGS, and other federal and state Wildlife Biologists, Wildlife Rehabilitation Center Employees and Volunteers
  • Public Health: Epidemiologists, Vector Control Specialists
  • Students: Veterinary, Public Health, Conservation Biology, Wildlife and anyone else with an interest in wildlife health!
  • Industry: State and Federal Agricultural Veterinarians, Farmed Wildlife Breeders (Alligators, Bovids, Camelids, Cervids, Ratites), Industry Supplier Representatives (Field and wildlife management supplies, diagnostic & laboratory equipment and supplies, veterinary and medical supplies, pharmaceuticals and vaccines, etc.), County Extension Agents & Specialists Dealing with Natural Resources & Livestock